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magazines, magazines

February 8, 2011

Although chocolate is preferable at any time of day, there’s something extra decadent about eating it for breakfast.

banana scramble (I can’t get enough of these!) with fruit and barlean’s chocolate raspberry swirl syrup.

with a side of fruit…

A lot of people have been asking me about the Barlean’s. I order it online here and although it’s slightly pricey, it’s worth every penny!

The flavor is fabulous and it’s supposedly intended for woman interested in “radiant health, beauty, and energy”.

That’s me alright.

Interestingly enough, the fact that I invest in this product because of it’s alleged “health benefits” completely supports what I had originally planned on posting about today. Funny how that works out, huh?


This past week in my Magazines and Body image class we had a really interesting assignment concerning magazine and their use of cover lines to allure readers. My professor asked us to pick 5 quotes out of our textbook (“Spin Sisters” by Myrna Blyth) and find cover lines of different magazines that support the author’s convictions. I thought you all may enjoy reading them! If not, feel free to ignore this section of the post and go buy some chocolate sauce.

  1. Essence magazine’s April 2010 issue boasts tips and secrets to “Take Control of your life” (April 2010). This cover line assumes that every woman’s life is out of control and stressful. This is an incredibly effective marketing technique because, according to Blyth, “we’re supposed to lose it over every load of laundry that doesn’t get done, every extra cookie that we eat, and every time our teenager chances his moods” (56). The media has provoked us to become stressed by the most insignificant things because we feel like we “should”.
  2. Blyth claims that “during the last decade…liberation and narcissism have merged thanks in large part to magazines like Cosmopolitan and Glamour which promote a self-centered lifestyle as the key to becoming a fulfilled and happy woman” (65). The cover line of the January 2010 edition of Elle magazine addition recommends tips for women to “get him to do exactly what you want”, insinuating that the woman’s desires are more important than her lover’s and that she is deserving of the attention that she wants. (January 2010).
  3. The cover of the January 2010 cover of UK’s “Healthy Magazine” boasts “time saver: tiny but powerful changes to make you healthier, happier, saner” (January 2010). This cover line supports Blyth’s conviction that “we are told over and over again that the rapid pace of our lives and our lack of free time explains the increased levels of stress we are assumed to feel” (59). This cover line ultimately assumes that women do not have any leisure time for themselves, and for that reason they are essentially unhealthy, unhappy, and insane.
  4. The June 2010 issue of RedBook magazine includes the cover line, “Beat Stress: 15 ways to tame tension – because stress doesn’t take a summer break”, convincing the reader that they have “no time” and are always busy and stressed. Blyth argues that “it is not true that we are busier than we used to be or that we have less leisure time than our mothers had” (60). In fact, according to Robert D. Putnam, Americans today undeniably feel more “rushed” now than a generation ago…however, Americans since 1965 appear to have gained nearly an hour more free time per day” (60). It seems as though the “illusion” or constantly being busy is provoked by these magazine covers telling us that we don’t have any free time.
  5. The July 2010 issue of Action & Fitness Magazine boasts “Stress busting foods” that ultimately trick women in to believing that they can combat stress simply through their diet. This is another marketing technique that Blyth mocks to a degree when she refers to the women’ s magazine that “recommends drinking a tea, popular in Fiji, made with kava, which it describes as a “natural anxiety remedy’” in order to alleviate anxieties” (59). Of course, there are many more underlying issues to stress that can not simply be remedied through drinking tea. However, this cover line prompts readers to feel as though it’s really “that easy”. After all, don’t we all crave the “quickest fix” to combat our problems?

I especially love what Blyth had to say in terms of woman (and men!) becoming so consumed with efficiency because we have “no time”. I feel as though I constantly need to be on the go or doing something and rarely am able to enjoy a task without feeling inclined to complete it as efficiently as possible or within a regimented time schedule. I also notice (in myself!) that even my leisure time becomes an obligation to an extent. I have to get these two assignments done by 8:00 so I can watch Pretty Little Liars for an hour, then blog for half an hour, then do reading for class, etc. etc. I feel as though everything I do becomes meticulously plotted in to my daily schedule because if it’s not, I won’t get everything done that I “need to do”.

and yes, I need to watch Pretty Little Liars.

I’m also notorious for freaking out about the smallest seemingly insignificant things that happen in my life. Oh my gosh – I have a pimple on my forehead? It’s supposed to snow tomorrow and I won’t be able to drive to the grocery store and waste my money on things that I don’t need at all? How will my life go on? Perhaps I should invest in proactive or walk to the grocery store – because Seventeen Magazine says proactive works miracles and according to SHAPE, you should “ditch the car” and walk at every opportunity you get.

I think I need to stop reading magazines and start working on battling my “catastrophes” my own way. Or just stop pretending that I have so many problems.

Any thoughts?

p.s. My post title is intended to be hummed to the tune of Tangerine by Led Zeppelin. Just to clarify.

34 Comments leave one →
  1. February 8, 2011 12:55 am

    You and I discussed that topic already ; ) LOVE it! Very thought-provoking.

  2. Michelle @ Give Me the Almond Butter permalink
    February 8, 2011 12:57 am

    Fantastic post! This post made me nod my head over and over. Yesterday I felt super rushed to study, then 8PM came and I was like “well I guess I have all of my studying done…time to go journal?”

    I felt super rushed, but in reality its not like I actually stayed up late to study.

  3. February 8, 2011 1:02 am

    Wow, that chocolate sauce does look incredible. I’m going to have to check it out.

  4. February 8, 2011 1:05 am

    yeah I would say that chocolate sauce would be totally worth the money! I need to try the banana cakes!

    I have soooooooo many magazines, I love reading magazines : )

    I love the pic of your magazines, Im a lover of b&w photos , just look so awesome ; )

    Love ya girl! xoxo

  5. Julia permalink
    February 8, 2011 1:24 am

    This is so true! I would probably feel more relaxed if relaxation time didn’t make me wonder if my life is too empty since I seem to have this idea that everyone else seems constantly busy!

  6. February 8, 2011 1:25 am

    I couldn’t agree with this blog post more… I catch myself saying “I have to” way too many times in the day.

    Chocolate sauce = to die for

  7. February 8, 2011 1:39 am

    Okay, my head is spinning reading this because it’s SO true. I like to read magazines to relax, but I feel like as soon as I’m done reading them I feel like I need to go work out/make a gourmet meal/tweeze my eyebrows/reorganize my closet/save the world. Magazines are fun, but I think too much of them messes with our heads!

  8. February 8, 2011 1:49 am

    that is quite the stack of magazines girl. you could make some beautiful collages and/or cards out of the images within them though!

  9. February 8, 2011 2:01 am

    i feel like i want my kids to have you as a teacher in life. or something like that haha

    but that’s SO weird because the other day i was relaxing reading cosmo mag and then all of a sudden i felt like i had to start dating haha like panic attack and then i’m like wait a minute. relax.

  10. February 8, 2011 2:43 am

    I am a huge magazine addict! My cousin got me a subscription to ski magazine for Christmas though and it is really nice to read a magazine that doesnt make me want to try a new hair style asap or anything like that. Its so different from my usual beauty/fitness mags.

  11. February 8, 2011 2:45 am

    Chocolate for breakfast should be mandatory. It’s most satisfying way to get the endorphins flowing early in the day!

    I always feel like there is not enough time in the day and I need to get everything done. I feel like I don’t focus enough and I’m not getting as much out of things as I could be because of the obsession with efficiency.

  12. February 8, 2011 2:49 am

    Ok that was a lot to process and digest! And it’s all so spot on! Everything from the mag titles to the feeling of always needing to be on the go and busy and efficient.

    Love it all, Jenny!

    And that pic, food for good measure…THAT is a pic you should sell. I love the old fashioned type editing/shading with the blue-ish hue and the berries on the fork..splendid!

    And the banana scramble. Looks delish! I make something like that in the micro. I dont even have to fire up my stovetop then. lol

  13. February 8, 2011 3:01 am

    that breakfast just makes me drool!

  14. February 8, 2011 3:15 am

    I love this insight Jenny!! I totally agree with the fact that we need some down time though. During the most intense period of my eating disorder I had absolutely no down time because I refused to be at home and HAD to be out exercising and out and about all day. The only time I ever had to myself was when I came home at night. I finally started using this time to just “break down” and have the evening to myself where I didn’t do anything at all except just relax and watch TV and stuff. It has gotten a bit out of hand b/c I find that I value this time so much that even if I come home from work really late I still have to have the downtime and then end up staying up too late. My therapist said that this wouldn’t be a problem if I would only allow myself to relax during the day! Working on it!

    Anyways, I kinda hate reading magazines. I rejected all of the diet “advice” a couple years ago cuz I got sick of hearing how I was never doing anything wrong. I also try to stay away from watching shows like The Doctors, and Doctor Oz b/c it always makes me freak out and worry about stupid stuff and feel like I am a bad person.

    Love your food btw! I have an amaze-a-balls recipe for choco sauce that is SUPAH CHEEP if you are interested!

  15. *Andrea* permalink
    February 8, 2011 3:16 am

    that class sounds interesting!!!
    and i LOVE pretty little liars… i get so scared some scenes haha and ezra is hottt

  16. February 8, 2011 5:15 am

    I’m obsessed with Pretty Little Liars. My Monday night line-up is my “me time” of the week. (90210, Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars)
    Gotta love it!

  17. Anne permalink
    February 8, 2011 10:27 am

    I do hope your class uses sources other than Blyth’s flawed theory.
    Yes, I definitely believe that magazines are filled with messages to make women feel flawed/bad about themselves/etc.
    However, her conclusion that all of this is controlled by the liberal-hidden-message-sending women (e.g. Katie Couric and Diane Sawyer) is not only poorly examined but delivered in a catty and women’s-magazine-style way. Basically, I can’t stand the way she bashes successful women in media and attempts to link them with some “liberal conspiracy”.
    There are much better sources for information about women & media.

  18. February 8, 2011 12:00 pm

    I feel like flipping the pages in some magazines is exactly like watching the commercials at the superbowl. maybe that’s just my mind picking apart marketing schemes. I just can’t get away from work

    PS: I tried to send you a message but I don’t know if you check (my comments have been going to spam so I’m trying to figure out why)

  19. February 8, 2011 1:50 pm

    WOW, that scramble looks absolutely awesome. I put all of those ingredients minus the wheat germ in my oatmeal, so I know I’d love it in a little scramble! This is being added to me “to make” list right now. 🙂 Thanks, girl!

  20. February 8, 2011 2:46 pm

    I think I need to try this banana scramble already.

    I agree! I say “I have to…” all. day. long. And I don’t always “have to”.

  21. February 8, 2011 7:31 pm

    Wow that banana scramble with chocolate looks amazing. Great way to start the day 😉

  22. February 8, 2011 7:39 pm

    great post! women’s magazines just make you feel bad about yourself. i stopped buying them a long time ago. although, i do love browsing through the pictures when i’m on the elliptical…

  23. February 8, 2011 8:08 pm

    This is a great post– when you break it down like that it is so clear. I definitely just had me a couple of “ah-ha!” moments! I don’t tend to read magazines (I hate all the ads! They take up half the magazine :() but I see them in the lone at the grocery store and can’t ever help but sneak a peak at some of the eye-catching titles. I guess though, that they do add to that stigma that females should be in control while taking time for themselves, and meanwhile having the perfect diet and exercise. Whaaa???? When I write it out that way it doesn’t look all that attainable.

    Keep posting more about your class- I’m learning a lot!

    • February 8, 2011 8:09 pm

      Lone was supposed to be *line*. Like a line at the store– oops!

  24. February 8, 2011 9:22 pm

    I find that sense of urgency conveyed in magazines sort of funny because if you’re reading a magazine, you probably have some free time! But then I look down at my to-do list and see that I have “read magazine at gym” written down. Uh yeah…I have actually scheduled magazine-reading into my diary. Maybe I should stop too!

  25. February 9, 2011 1:43 am

    i can so relate to you jenny! i am always thinking about the future and what i need to do and it finally hit me yesterday that i need to just focus on the future and to slowww down a bit. i always try to do way to much and to be perfect and the littlest things irritate me. so one of my goals is to definitely slow down, take it slow, and just take care of the present and if i do that then the future will take care of itself 🙂

  26. February 9, 2011 2:53 am

    Your class sounds similar to one I took – Gender & Race in the Media (or something like that). We picked about magazines like it was our job, and I loved every minute of it! Examining common themes among magazines was so interesting…but it also made me lose complete interest in reading them as a means of entertainment :/

    p.s. just seeing the new blog design for the first time…LOVE it!!

  27. February 9, 2011 3:11 am

    Great topic! <agazines always fill my head with how to be 'the best i can be'. Yes sometimes it is inspirational, but a lot of the time its just plain overwhelming. I mean who's perfect?
    Living in the moment is where its at, if only i could find that.

  28. February 9, 2011 4:51 am

    That first picture is beautiful 🙂

  29. February 9, 2011 4:43 pm

    ahh i just got barleans the other day @ the store! SOO YUMMY! I got the fish oil ones in pina colada and mango peach. cant believe how tasty they are!!

  30. February 10, 2011 12:48 pm

    That magazine class sounds really interesting–I wish our campus had something similar!!


  1. killing two birds with one stone « Peanut Butter and Jenny
  2. dressed to test « Peanut Butter and Jenny
  3. choccakes « Peanut Butter and Jenny

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